Custom Development

Custom DevelopmentCustom Development

When you need something more
You’re the expert on your business practices and procedures. You know what works and what doesn’t.  
So don’t be confined to tedious, cookie cutter programming and development programs. That’s no way to attain the summit.   
When your vision out-paces the P&D applications available to you on the open market--which will inevitably happen when you decide to establish your company as head and shoulders above its competition--it’s time to create your own business applications and put your company in constant, customized lock-step with your unique approach to winning friends and influencing people.  

You’ll need the following: 
  • apps that will safeguard every process, rule and requirement
  • apps with infinite patience, apps that allow sufficient time for your people to start using them to their full advantage
  • a rock-solid partner to help you get ‘er done  

While well-designed web pages and dynamic marketing will bring customers to your website, it is the customization of your website and how it serves them that keeps them engaged. And whenever you get requests that exceed the content and design of your website, it’s imperative that you have experienced database and web programming partner who understands your requirements as well as you do and provides cost effective solutions.
We can help you do it your way…every step of the way
  •   Web-based forms
  •   Complicated database requests
  •  Data collection
  •   Mobile app development 
Custom development lets you collect information and distribute and share it through multiple processes, departments and disconnected systems (Accounting Programs, Ecommerce websites and spreadsheets). Imagine how much easier your job will be with a completely-interconnected, uniquely customized network!

Our services include:
  • Database Development
  • XML Web Services
  • Web API Development
  • Electronic Signature Capture
  • Android Application Development
  • iPhone Application Development
  • iPad Programming
  • Google Map
  • Google Apps
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Chat Integration

We specialize in these Database and web programming languages:
  • Google API Development
  • PHP
  • Mobile
  • .Net
  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • .asp
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Java Script
Don’t stay with the herd. Run ahead of the pack. 

If you want to make something more happen, we’ll help you make it happen your way.  Bye-bye boring cookie cutters. Hello, streamlined bullet train.

Please call today for a free, no-obligation consultation.


Let's Work Together